What is a bow tie in a diamond?

Fancy shapes, such as marquise, oval, pear, and radiant cut diamonds often display an effect commonly known as a “bow-tie”. A bow-tie is a dark area that runs right to left across the center of the diamond in the approximate shape of a man’s bow tie.

  • The bow-tie itself is caused by light leakage resulting from the Angles (Of Crown and Pavilion / Pavilion Halves combination) of facets.
  • In this dark area, light entering the diamond is traveling out the pavilion instead of reflecting back to your eye.
  • This creates the dark area you see when looking at the diamond. The diamond itself is not dark, and the bow-tie is not an inclusion

While most diamonds of these shapes possess some degree of the bow tie, it varies in severity from light (near invisible or only visible at certain angles) to severe (large, easily observed from every angle). If the bow-tie effect needs to be pointed out to you (or if you are wondering if your diamond has a bow tie) then it is probably quite light. Some degree of bow tie can be a positive as it provides contrast in the diamond; only when it begins to become the focal point (the first thing you notice) should you absolutely rule out the diamond.

How to identify Bow Tie and Can we remove Bow tie?

Most oval, Pear and Marquise diamonds have a bow-tie effect. This effect occurs when light doesn’t bounce back in the middle of the diamond because of the way the diamond is cut.

While most diamond cutters agree that this is part of the beauty of the oval diamond, you do not want the bow-tie effect to be too severe.

Bow-tie effect isn’t taken into consideration when grading a diamond in any lab; it is not noted on a diamond certificate.

Diamond cutters can minimize the size of a diamond’s bow tie; however, it is difficult to eliminate it completely, and will often interfere with the look and shape of the overall diamond

Let’s understand Bow tie using Aset scope images.

Ideal Scope and Aset scope are very easy tool availed in market to judged Light Return and Bot Effect in Oval Cut Diamonds. We recommend Aset scope for Fancy Cut Diamonds.

In below explain you can see that we make Leo Oval without any bowtie in center, this kind of diamond performance well in hands and looks absolute brilliance compare to other regular make oval or loe oval.

You can see below Aset Scope images of Oval stone which showing Bot Eye reducing from Left to Right.

As you can see below images, how we can reduce effect of bow tie in pear cut polish diamond.


In Pear, Oval and Marquise to reduce or remove bow tie, we need to understand below factor that results into bowtie

  • Crown and Pavilion combination,
  • Shape (4 Mains / 8 Mains / 10 Mains)
  • Pavilion and Pavilions halves combination.
  • Azimuth of Pavilion Halves and Mains Crown and Pavilion angle (For Pear)

We study all possible combination in which currently all manufactures make pear, marquise and oval shape and we develop parameters chart and lab which give you maximum light performance in pear, oval and marquise and reduce/remove bow tie to certain extend.

For more details on parameters for buying polish diamond and manufacturing fancy Pear, Oval and Marquise without Bow tie please contact us.

We provide complete set of parameters which give you maximum light performance and weight in fancy cut shapes.

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